Wolfram Bergande Dr. phil. | Philosoph

Talks & lectures

Scientific talks & lectures

46 – “Hypermoral”, ipf – Institut für Psychoanalyse Frankfurt e.V., DPG
(Zweig der IPA), Frankfurt/M., 09.Mai 2025

45 – “Morality between Amorality and Hypermorality”, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Campus Medellin, Facultad de C. Humanas y Económicas, 13.11.2024

44 – “Projektionen. Unbewusste Motive im Zeitalter ihrer technischen Reproduzierbarkeit”, illustratio Lichtfestival Kiel, 16.09.2023

43 – “Francis Bacons Dekonstruktion des Bildraums”, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Faculty of Art and Design, 25.11.2020

42 – “Screen memory. Klee, Mondrian and the legacy of Classical Modernism”, lecture and presentation together with Sujin Lim at the festival “100 years of Bauhaus”, New Bauhaus Museum Weimar, 23.04.2019

41 – Contribution to the symposium “Kulturelle Erneuerung – Ökologie und Ökonomie”, Stiftung Kulturelle Erneuerung, Bad Wiessee/ Germany, 11.-12.02.2019

40 – “Entzweiung und Abstraktion. Kunst als Zugang zum Realen“,
talk at Deutsche Psychoanalytische Gesellschaft Frankfurt/Main, 25.01.2019

39 – “Contemporary topics in the philosophy of psychoanalysis“, lecture series at Universidad de Chile, Universidad Andrés Bello and Sociedad Chilena de Psicoanálisis, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 01.-05.10.2018

38 – “Über sich selbst hinaus – was treibt den Menschen zur Selbstoptimierung?“, talk at the Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, Tutzing/Germany, 18.04.2018

37 – „A critical assessment of the schizoanalytic concept of affectivity and of its role in aesthetic experience“, talk at the conference „Conflicts“, Nordic Society for Aesthetics, Paris, 31.05.2018

36 – “Aesthetics as theory of meta-historical conceptions in art“, talk at the conference „Margins, Futures and Tasks of Aesthetics“, International Association for Aesthetics, Helsinki, 05.07.2018

35 – “Die Verkörperung des Anderen“, talk at the conference „Topographien des Körpers: phänomenologische, genealogische und psychoanalytische Forschungen“, Universitätsklinik für Psychoanalyse und Psychotherapie der Medizinischen Universität Wien, 06.10.2017

34 – “Bausteine einer Philosophie der Designgeschichte”, talk at the conference “Design mit Geschichte. Geschichtsbilder in Theorie und Praxis” of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Designgeschichte, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, 28.11.2015

33 – “Observing, analysing and sharing feedback within artistic practice and research”, presentation (together with Nik Haffner) of ‘Roundtable 3’ of the international symposium Artistic needs and institutional desires. Roundtables on artistic third-cycle programmes, organized by UdK Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, 13.-15.11.2015

32 – “Ästhetik als transzendentale Theorie der Erfahrung”, talk as part of the lecture series “Aisthesis” at the University of Applied Art Vienna (Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien), Austria, 11.06.2015

31 – “Bildraum und Tonraum”, talk given as part of the lecture series „Sprache, Stimme, Leiblichkeit“ at the department „Theorie, Empirie und Methoden der Sozialen Therapie“ of Kassel University, Germany, 14.01.2015

30 – “Beyond Anthropopathy”, Vortrag auf der Tagung Pathology and Aesthetics. The concept of the Pathological in Contemporary Aesthetics des Graduiertenkolleg Materialität und Produktion, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 19.12.2014

29 – “Laws of artistic form”, talk at the conference Art and its contexts des European Research Network Sociology of the Arts at „Babes-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 06.09.2014

28 – “The ideology of the architectural white cube”, talk at the conference Autonomy reconsidered of the International Society for the Philosophy of Architecture in Delft, Holland, 11.07.2014

27 – “The forced experience of the aesthetic”, talk at the annual conference Art, the Aesthetic and Aesthetic Experience of the Nordic Society of Aesthetics in Helsinki, Finland, June 07, 2014

26 – “The ontology of the real in film”, talk at the conference Philosophy and film: thinking reality and time through film, CFUL – Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon/ Portugal, May 06-10, 2014

25 – “Against contingency”, talk at the conference What images do, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhague, Denmark, March 19-21, 2014

24 – “Creative destruction. The power and powerlessness of destructivity in the arts”, talk at the conference “Creative processes in art”, University of Lisbon, Portugal, Faculty of Fine Arts, September 12, 2013

23 – “The imperceptible gesture and the deconstruction of communication”, talk at the annual conference of the Nordic Society of Aesthetics (conference schedule), June 1, 2013, Oslo/Norway

22 – “Critical and deconstructive aesthetics”, Lectures at the  Department of Aesthetics of University of Helsinki, April 14-18, 2013, University of Helsinki, Helsinki/Finnland

21 – “The creative destruction of the total work of art”, Talk at the 12th International Bauhaus-Colloquium  ‘Henry van de Velde und die Idee des Gesamtkunstwerks’, April 3-7, 2013, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany

20 – “Unglaube und Vergeltung: Denis Lortie”, Talk at the conference  “Im Spiegelkabinett der Paranoia” (flyer) of the Graduiertenkollegs Mediale Historiographien of Bauhaus-University Weimar, Oktober 26, 2012, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany

19 – “Terminable and Interminable Negation. Legacies of Hegel in Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis”, Talk at the  XXIX. International Hegel-Congress  “Hegel gegen Hegel” organized by the International Hegel-Society e.V., October 3-6, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey

18 – “Why Hegel was right”, Talk at the conference  “Aesthetics as narration and meta-narration”, September 27, 2012, University of Gdansk, Poland

17 – “Post-structuralist theories of culture and aesthetics”, Five-day intensive course taught at the Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts of the  Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn in cooperation with the  Estonian Institute of Humanities of  Tallinn University, September 3-7, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia

16 – “The pleasure and pain of an archaic alliance. On the atopy of subjectivity in occidental architecture – and beyond”, Talk  (abstract) at the conference  “Ethics & Aesthetics of Architecture and the Environment”, July 11, 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

15 – “Erratic humor in the later film work of David Lynch”, Talk at the conference  “David Lynch – The Art of the Real” (conference program, conference-website), Juni 28, 2012, University of the Arts, Berlin, Roter Salon, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin Interview (in German) with Wolfram Bergande about the Lynch-conference on Radio 1 (RBB), June 28, 2012:

14 – “Beyond Surrealism. Psychoanalytical interpretation of art today”, Talk at the conference of the Nordic Society of Aesthetics “Interpretation and Evaluation of Art”, May 31 – June 2, 2012, Uppsala, Sweden 13 – “The value of the arts in the era of reflexive modernity”, Talk at the conference  “Aesthetics Today” of the  Finnish Society for Aesthetics, March 1, 2012, House of Science and Letters, Helsinki, Finland

12 – “Kritik der Quasi-Subjektivität der Dinge: Design zwischen Kunst und Fetischismus”, Talk in the section  ‘Design + Economy’  at the  13th Internationale Congress for Semiotics:  Representation, virtuality, praxis, October 12-16, 2011, Potsdam University, Germany

11 – “Mixed pleasures, interpassivity, and the ethical dimension of art”, Talk at the V Mediterrean Congress of Aesthetics, July 7, 2011, Cartagena, Spain

10 – “Das fading des Subjekts oder: Über den Blick, der töten könnte”, Talk at the conference  “Unsichtbar – Wissenskulturen als Bildkulturen und ihre Macht der Invisibilisierung”, June 29 – July 1, 2011, Institute for Iconicity,  Rostock University, Germany

9 – “Plato on Perversity”, Talk at the conference Aesthetics and Politics 2011 of the  Nordic Society of Aesthetics, Mai 26-28, 2011, Royal Danish Academy of Art, Copenhague, Denmark

8 – “Der Zauber einer alten Liebe. Verabschiedungen der Kunst bei Platon und Hegel”, Talk at the  Kunstverein Coburg in cooperation with Freunde der humanistischen Bildung e.V., April 8, 2011, Coburg, Germany

7 – “Vom Spiegelstadium zum perversen Bild. Beiträge der Freud-Lacanschen Psychoanalyse zu einer transzendental-ästhetischen Anthropologie der Bilder”, Poster at the conference  “Ursprünge der Bilder” of the  Gesellschaft für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft at the  Technical University Chemnitz, March 30, 2011, Chemnitz, Germany

6 – “Gewalt | Phantasie. Die Heimsuchung des Herrn in Hanekes Das weiße Band“, Talk at the international conference  Anschauen und Vorstellen – gelenkte Imagination im Kino at Bremen University, March 27, 2011, Bremen, Germany

5 – “Das unendliche Motiv. Über Spekulationsgewinne und Entzugserscheinungen in der visuellen Kunst”, Talk at the  Psychoanalytisches Institut Bremen, November 6, 2010, Bremen, Germany

4 – “Die unerinnerte Gegenwart des Schönen. Hegels Kunstphilosophie und die Theorie des Unbewussten”, Talk at the conference  “Gebrochene Schönheit – G.W.F. Hegels Philosophie der Kunst”, May 7, 2010, Haus am Dom Frankfurt/Main, Germany in cooperation with the International Hegel-Society

3 – “Lacans Logik des Unbewussten”, Talk at the Psychoanalytisches Seminar Zurich, November 7, 2008, Zurich, Switzerland

2 – “Das Bild als Selbstbewusstsein”, Talk at the conference Arbeit der Bilder – Die Präsenz des Bildes im Dialog zwischen Philosophie, Psychoanalyse und Kunstwissenschaft (report in the Weserkurier, 12.6.08), June 8, 2008, Bremer Institut für Theoretische und Angewandte Psychoanalyse, Bremer Psychoanalytische Vereinigung, Bremen, Germany

1 – “Das Unbewusste in der Skulptur”, Talk at the conference  “Inflation des Realen – Verschwinden des Symbolischen” zur Aktualität von Lacans Denken in der kulturwissenschaftlichen Diskussion, January 16, 2004, Bremen University

Other talks

Presentation of the fireside chat  “Kapitalismus und Kosmopolitik” at stiftung neue verantwortung, Berlin, April 27, 2012, Beisheim-Center, Berlin

Guest expert at the theme night  “Derrida” of  RADIO HOCHSEE at Kaffee Burger, Berlin, May 18, 2010

Wolfram Bergande Dr. phil. | Philosoph